Evaluation of Web Elements of Selected Philippine Academic Library Websites
Library websites, Library web content, Library web design, Academic library, PhilippinesAbstract
Due to the irreversible effects of COVID-19 pandemic, libraries worldwide have undergone a significant shift towards online accessibility of their resources, services, activities/events, and programs. Technological advancements have transformed how information is accessed and disseminated, underscoring the importance of library websites in supporting the learning, teaching and research endeavours of students, faculty members, and researchers. This study aims to serve as a roadmap for library practitioners, web developers, and similar stakeholders, who are planning to create and/or enhance websites for their respective libraries. This paper utilized an evaluative instrument for an academic library website developed by Wijayaratne and Singh (2015), to scrutinize the selected major Philippine universities’ academic libraries. The findings of this study are expected to be valuable to academic librarians and future researchers in recognizing the significance of designing tailored websites for their institutions.
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