Universal Research Trends of Rubric: An Assessment Tool
The present study aims to provide a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of rubric research. The bibliometric method was employed to evaluate research output in the field. The study evaluated 13,651 Scopus publications from 1850 to 2023 using Vosviewer, Biblishiny, and MS-Excel using bibliometric software. Notable findings include an 80% increase in scientific contributions over the previous two decades, with 2023 having the highest publication count at 1172. The study analyzes years, top-cited papers, sources, prolific authors, and leading organizations and countries in rubrics research. Clusters of co-occurring author keywords suggest common topics, including Education and learning methods (Cluster # 1), Professional development and skills (Cluster # 2), Learning and education research (Cluster # 3), Assessment and evaluation in nursing education (Cluster # 4), Assessment and accreditation in education (Cluster # 5), Assessment and scoring in writing education (Cluster # 6), and Pedagogy and innovation in education (Cluster # 7). This bibliometric study provides valuable insights for educators and researchers, guiding future research and enhancing global understanding of rubrics in educational contexts.
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