International Mobility Program for Library and Information Management Education Students

Post-Exchange Experience Perspectives




International Mobility Program, Library and Information Science Education, Student Exchange Program, undergraduate students


Universiti Teknologi MARA is committed to providing quality education that is globally recognized. One such initiative is the student mobility program. The aim of this program is to open up opportunities for domestic students exposed to the international higher education environment and to prepare them to become global leaders in the future. This paper is an attempt to understand the post-exchange experience of library and information management education students and opts for a qualitative research approach, that is, interview sessions with program participants and document review. The results showed that most participants expressed high levels of satisfaction with the experiences and knowledge gained from the international mobility programs. This platform also enables the university’s internationalization goal to escalate, the inter-university partnerships intensify, and thus, the presence abroad soar. It was hoped that more UiTM students, in particular, would participate in the exchange activities of global students and gain a new horizon of knowledge and exposure.

Author Biography

  • Saidatul Akmar Ismail, UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA

    Prior to joining the Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Saidatul worked as a Reference Librarian in an established public university in the northern part of West Malaysia. As a Reference Librarian, her working life was always a user-centered one. A Reference Desk is a front liner in any library and information institution. The main goal of the Desk and the Department is to assure library users found the needed information. A similar goal aspires to Saidatul in her present position as a faculty member. Currently, she is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Information Management. This year, 2020, marks her 20th year of service in UiTM. She is fortunate to be able to serve both academic and administrative roles. Currently, she leads the Centre for Postgraduate Studies. Her former administrative posts at the university level were as a Fellow of Academic Quality Assurance of UiTM (2008-2009), as an acting Coordinator for Academic Program Accreditation and Digitization, as an internal consultant for UiTM academic quality assurance, and an invited speaker for quality academic assurance, information literacy, and library and information management since 2003 to date.


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