Impact and Persuasiveness of Hybrid Learning .A Case Study of Selected Colleges in Kerala.


  • Matty Balagopal Art & Science College, Kerala, India
  • Vijesh Vijayan RCSSS, Kerala, India
  • Dr.


Hybrid learning is a process of technology mixed   learning methods associated with traditional procedure.  The article intended to assess the impact and Persuasiveness of  Hybrid learning among UG and PG students of selected colleges in Kerala  in the context of revolutionary transformations in educational field that occurred during and after the pandemic period .A questionnaire survey conducted among 244  students.  The population comprised of 102 Post Graduate and 142 Under Graduate students. 5 point Likert Response Scale   was used for formulating the results and conclusion. Students preferences ,learning strategies, attitudes, behavioral tendencies, ability and  acceptability to achieve the learning goals, adaptiveness of instructional techniques, flexibility and problems of hybrid environment, difference between hybrid and traditional  learning, the infrastructure  contributions  and resource mobilization  in the new learning context  etc are tested through the structured questionnaire. Test Results demonstrates that the traditional learning practices needs to modify according the changing patterns and environments


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