Intrapreneurship in Philippine Academic Libraries
Developing and Implementing Entrepreneurial Activities
Higher education institutions are expected to take an active role in a more entrepreneurial climate. Academic libraries are consequently becoming increasingly involved in campus entrepreneurial ecosystems. It is not uncommon for librarians who have become innovative out of necessity to invent and initiate entrepreneurial endeavours. They constantly innovate and continuously identify, analyse, and capitalise on opportunities to create a new generation of services and programs, even though academic libraries operate in an increasingly unstable environment due to rapid technological advancement and challenges from the economic, financial, and political sectors of society. Academic libraries participate in entrepreneurial initiatives for various reasons. This paper investigates how library management develops entrepreneurial activities in terms of idea generation, opportunity recognition, opportunity development, venture launch, and impact measurement. In addition, it explores the driving factors for successfully implementing entrepreneurial initiatives and determines the challenges and solutions library administrators face in meeting the goals of entrepreneurial activities. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the directors and chief librarians of the target libraries to collect and document their entrepreneurial activities and practices. This research will contribute to the expanding body of literature on entrepreneurial librarianship by highlighting the development of entrepreneurial initiatives in academic libraries in the Philippines. The results will also help library management and school administration understand and recognise the stimuli that can drive sustainable entrepreneurship in academic libraries. It also attempts to fill a gap in the literature on developing an entrepreneurial university library in the Philippines by offering empirical data on the issues of sustainable entrepreneurship.
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