Modelling the Growth of Indo-US Collaborated Literature in the Field of Bioinformatics
Annual Growth Rate, Relative Growth Rate, Doubling Time, Linear Growth Model, Power Growth Model, Exponential Growth Model, Logarithmic Growth ModelAbstract
This study highlights the growth of literature produced as a result of Indo-US collaboration in the Bioinformatics domain covering the period 1999-2021. A total of 719 publications have been produced through Indo-US collaboration in bioinformatics, the data for which has been downloaded using Scopus and has been subjected to analysis using MS-Excel software. To examine the growth pattern and trend in publications various growth models have been applied to the literature. Overall, an increasing trend has been observed and the declining RGR tends to reflect the slow but steady increase in the number of articles published, as evidenced by an increase in Dt. The growth of literature produced as a result of Indo-US partnership in the area of bioinformatics follows the Linear Growth Model. When the different growth models using curve fit values based on R2 have been applied, the Power Growth Curve is found to be the best match followed by the Exponential Growth Curve, Linear Growth Curve, and Logarithmic Growth Curve.
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