Exploring the Websites of the Top Ten Leading Space Agencies in the World

A Webometric Analysis


  • Ziaur Rahman Assistant Professor
  • Goutam Dinda Librarian


Domain Analysis, Webpage Ranking, Link Analysis, Audience Demography, Traffic & Engagement, Web Impact Factors


This paper tries to examine the domain and link analysis, webpage ranking, web trafficking and engagement, audience demography and also WIFs through a webometric study of 10 space organizations in the world. Identify the domains of the website; analyze the number of webpages, inlinks, self-links and calculate the simple/external/self-link impact factor of the space organizations. After analysis, we observed that NASA, ISRO, UKSA, and KARI is the most popular organization among them.

Author Biography

  • Goutam Dinda, Librarian

    Librarian, Bhawani Sen Library and Research Institute, Bhupesh Gupta Bhawan,162/B, Acharya Jagdish Chandra Basu Road, Kolkata-700014


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