Identification and Evaluation of Library and Information Science (LIS) Teacher based on Students' Opinions


  • Lulu Rout Fakir Mohan University
  • Shubhasmita Acharya Mizoram University


LIS teachers, LIS students, Students opinion, Qualities of Teacher


This paper explores the intrinsic qualities of Library and Information Science teacher which convert a normal teacher into a favorite one. This study also focuses on the current status of LIS education in Odisha, India. However, the students who belong to regular departments and the students who belong to self-financing departments are being compared concerning their understanding level of LIS-related concepts. The research method is descriptive. An online questionnaire was designed with three major sections and distributed among sample students. Tota four departments of various universities were selected for this study. Two departments from regular and two were self-financing. A total of 112 students provided their valuable response which was subjected to analysis. Major analyses like students' reason for choosing Library and Inofrmationscience course, number of teachers available in their departments, and number of classes students are attending per day were analyzed in this study. Besides that, what are the materials used by the teachers for delivering knowledge, what are the major positive characteristics of teachers, and what were the negative characteristics were also analyzed. 


