A Feasibility Study of a Crowdsourcing Project in Promoting and Enriching the Local History Collection and User Engagement of Quezon City Public Library


  • Rhea Rowena Apolinario University of the Philippines Diliman
  • Nicole Marie Biglete


Crowdsourcing, Local History Collection, User Engagement


Crowdsourcing is a novel concept adapted by some public libraries in the world in getting ideas for their projects.  The study sought to determine the feasibility of integrating crowdsourcing to a public library in the Philippines, the Quezon City Public Library, with the objective of strengthening the local history collection and increasing user engagement.  Interview with the librarians and other personnel presented several ideas on what projects to focus on and how to effectively carry them out.  An existing platform, besides social media accounts, was discovered to potentially be used for the envisioned project.  The study showed a technical feasibility assessment of the project which included five factors: technology and techniques, technical capacity/skills, human and financial resources, resistance, and integration.  Results showed that implementing a crowdsourcing project in Quezon City Public Library is technically feasible. 



