Information Management and Digital Transformations: Uses and Impacts of Technologies


  • Ricardo Rodrigues Barbosa School of Information Science, Federal University of Minas Gerais
  • Maria das Graças Murici


The article presents managers perceptions about the transformations promoted by various information and communication technologies, such as mobile computing, internet of things, cognitive technologies, e-commerce, social networks cloud computing, artificial intelligence and big data in their companies. The objectives of the research were to investigate the opinions and expectations of the participants relative to a) the impacts of information and communication technologies in their companies; b) the levels at which technologies will transform their economic sectors; c) the levels of preparedness of their companies to deal with the changes brought about by digital technologies and d) the barriers to adaptation to digital technologies. More than three quarters (78%) of the 73 study participants are associated with Brazilian private companies and 13.7% operate in international markets. As for the areas of activity of the companies, they are concentrated in the services sectors, such as banks, insurance or financial services, education or training, consultancy, transportation and information technology, healthcare, commerce and public services. The companies operate in the first, second and third sectors of the economy and work in several segments. Collectively, these companies represent 69.86% of the study participants. According to the participants, the most positive impacts of ICTs are on cost reduction and customer relationships, while the expectations for transformations are higher in mobile computing and instant communication. The results suggest that companies are well prepared to deal with digital transformations, although there is much doubt about the potential transformations promoted by blockchain, robotics, and analytics/ big data. As for the barriers to organizational adaptation to ICTs, factors related to human resources stand out. The study highlights challenges and opportunities in the context of digital transformations for Chief Information Officers (CIOs).


