Focus groups – stimulating and rewarding cooperation between the library and its patrons


  • Eva Höglund Åbo Akademi University Library, FI-20500 TURKU, Finland


focus groups, academic libraries, students, researchers, library services, qualitative methods


Academic libraries are undergoing massive change. New information resources and technological development as well as new needs among patrons require their active involvement in the development of library services. In order to guarantee a good quality of services a customer perspective is essential. This paper demonstrates how focus group interviews were used to assess patrons’ needs and opinions of present and future services at Åbo Akademi University Library. A qualitative method was deemed necessary to get a deeper understanding of patrons’ underlying wishes and ideas. This paper also outlines the results gained and the actions taken in response to the results as well as suggests strategies for a continuous development of services based on the needs of customers. 


